Yomp for Zhi - Version 1.03

  • The text for how much distance remaining can become red or red-ish if the distance remaining compared to the amount of days remaining is looking bad pace-wise.
  • Several changes were made to the HUD text that says how many days remain. It has an in-between before being red where it's just red-ish (0-5 days = really red, 6-15 days = red-ish). The word "days" is now singular when there's only 1 day left. Also the whole sentence changes colour not just the number.
  • Fixed how you couldn't see what a Skill's Element was when picking a Skill to learn. This issue was due to the description change made with V1.01.
  • The EXP progress bars are now displayed as full when a character is max level. Before it would display as partially full or just empty.
  • Odd Dessert now reduces Depression a bit but it recovers 1 less SP.
  • Made a tiny change that should prevent a rare glitch where aquatic-only enemies could return on land.
  • The display boxes in the status screen are now a bit transparent.


Yomp for Zhi V1.03.zip 346 MB
May 30, 2024

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